June 4: Last day of school!
June 5: Yay, Junior?s home!
June 5, afternoon: School starts when again?
The Mt. Lebanon Recreation Department is really good at kid stuff. It?s like, one of their best things. So you should check out all the cool activities they have planned for the summer. Here are a few:
Preschool Camp Chippeewee
WHO: 3 ? ? to 5-year-old children (must have turned 3 by Jan. 1, 2012, and be potty trained).
WHERE: Main Park Playground.
WHEN: Mon. through Fri., 9:15-11:45 A.M.
SESSION I: June 18 ? 29
SESSION II: July 2 ? 13 (No camp July 4)
SESSION III: July 16 ? 27
EARLY BIRD FEE: Resident, $90 a session per child; $225 for six weeks. Non-resident, $105 a session per child; $275 for six weeks.
REGULAR FEE: Resident, $100 a session per child; $235 for six weeks. Non-resident, $115 a session per child; $285 for six weeks. The regular fee begins two weeks prior to the start date of each session: June 4 for Session I, June 18 for Session II, and July 2 for Session III.
Summer Playground Camp
WHO: Children who have just completed kindergarten, first, second or third grades.
WHERE: Foster, Jefferson, Lincoln, Markham and Washington elementary schools.
WHEN: Mon. through Fri., 9 A.M.-NOON, June 18- July 27.
FEE: Resident, $50 per week; $250 for all six weeks. Non-resident, $55 per week; $275 for all six weeks. A nominal fee will be charged for field trips. $8 optional T-shirt. (Week of July 2 ? $40 resident, $45 nonresident. No camp July 4.) Register online at www.mtlebanon.org, click on Recreation Registration, in person at the Mt. Lebanon Rec Center or by mail to 900 Cedar Blvd., 2nd floor, Pgh., PA 15228.
DESCRIPTION: Each playground is staffed by summer counselors. Activities include organized games, arts and crafts, nature, drama, music, special events and field trips.
RAIN POLICY: Playgrounds will operate rain or shine.
Lebo All-Sports Camp
WHO: Boys and girls who have just completed grades 4 ? 8.
WHERE: Mt. Lebanon Park
WHEN: Monday ? Friday, 9:15 A.M. ? Noon
Session I: June 18 ? 29
Session II: July 2 ? 13 (No camp July 4)
Session III: July 16 ? 27
FEE: $90 resident; $100 non-resident per two-week session. Register online at www.mtlebanon.org, click on Recreation Registration, in person at the Mt. Lebanon
Rec Center or by mail to 900 Cedar Blvd., 2nd floor, Pgh., PA 15228.
DESCRIPTION: Focus on fitness and fun this summer with All Sports Camp. Jam-packed with sports, games and fitness challenges guaranteed to bring out the athlete in every child. Sign up for two-week sessions or for all six weeks. Due to space considerations, camp will be limited to the first 60 boys and girls in grades 4 and 5 and 60 children in grades 6 to 8. For each two-week session, campers will spend one week in each sports zone.
Sports Zone ?A??? ?Sports Zone ?B?
Basketball????????? ?????????Dodgeball
Bocce Flag????????????????? Football
Broomball?????????????????? Krazy Kickball
Pickle Ball?????????????????? Street Hockey
Sand Volleyball????? ??????Super Soccer
Table & Video Games ??Toppleball
This is just the thin edge of the rec fun wedge. To see more programs, check out our May issue, or visit the municipal website, www.mtlebanon.org and click on ?Departments? and then ?Recreation Department.?
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