Saturday, November 3, 2012

Disease is like holding a handful of water Managing Chronic ...

It has become increasingly necessary to draw a sharp distinction between managing chronic disease and managing health, or health-care versus wellness. In health-care as we know it, excluding injuries by accidents or other causes, the primary focus is two-fold. One, to do what I call quasi prevention by having yearly checkups for general health, i.e. mammograms for women, prostate checks for men, checks for cardiovascular or other abnormalities.

Second, is to respond to diagnosed problems. Problems when found might necessitate surgery, medication, or both, usually targeted at a specific condition. That approach primes you for the next series of problems you will likely encounter.

The human body is not like an automobile, where you replace or repair one part and you?re back on the road again. Eventually another component will fail somewhere down the road. To look at it another way, you can replace enough parts that you essentially have a new automobile. Not so with the body.

Once you receive the bad news of heart disease, diabetes or cancer, for instance, then managing chronic disease kicks in, sentencing you to a bevy of drugs for the rest of your life. At this point they are conceding that the drugs they are prescribing won?t cure you, but sustain you, in most cases, in a steadily declining state of health, while other conditions manifest themselves, for which you?ll be prescribed more drugs. Venture to guess where this is heading?

On the other hand wellness takes a completely different approach. Embracing wellness means taking steps to avoid the devastating circular scenario played out above.

While one approach (wellness) will cost you money along the way, the other can very well cost your health, wealth and your life. The wellness route will prolong or prevent entirely the onset of degenerative diseases, as well as provide a much better quality of life in the process. The holistic nature of wellness treats the entire body nutritionally, as it builds,sustains, and fortifies immunity. This means that you are not waiting for the next diseased shoe to drop, you?re being proactive and therefore more equipped to handle a problem should one arise.

Wellness makes sense on the basis of cost alone. It?s cost is spread out over time, and more financially tolerant. Traditional management of disease will not only exhaust your insurance coverage (if you are lucky enough to have it), but also devastate you financially. This not only effects you personally but also your family. It?s the ultimate attack on the well-being of you, your economy and your loved ones. The only real winner here is the medical establishment and drug companies.

Perhaps the best part of the wellness approach is the sense of confidence you have when you know that you have done all that you know every day to fortify your body against disease. You also can stop looking over your shoulder for fear of the next disease.

Anyone can get sick but how your body is able to respond makes all the difference, and can determine your ability to recover. Practicing wellness not only allows you to survive, but also allows you to thrive.

With all the known problems with the environment, chemicals, food, antibiotics and disease, a good wellness plan will ensure that you are taking steps not only to live, but live happy.

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